
Cultivating High School Information Science Education Program

Project Overview

This program aims to encourage collaboration between universities and high schools to promote information science education at the high school level. It provides high school students with opportunities to learn about the information technology industry and information science.

The main development directions of this program are: (1) Offering introductory programming courses: To equip participating high school students with the ability to write programming languages. (2) Focusing on the training of computational thinking and logical reasoning: Using the International Bebras Contest question bank as a foundation for training. (3) Inviting experts to give lectures: Inviting experts from academia and industry to share their knowledge and experience of information practices, allowing high school students to gain a deeper understanding of the information technology industry. (4) Organizing information science camps: Providing more opportunities for students to learn about information science and to cultivate their interest in learning information science. (5) Arranging corporate visits: Allowing students to visit information companies in person to gain a broad understanding of the current industry situation and future development trends.

Data Science Landscape
Source: Wikimedia Commons

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